Neuropathic Pain: Can a Chiropractor Help?

Your nerve cells send and receive signals from the brain. So, if they suffer damage, you won’t be able to perform actions such as watching your favorite TV show or even reading this article. Neuropathic pain (neuropathy) is a sign that your neurons aren’t in great shape, and you must immediately get the best chiropractic treatment in Coral Springs, FL.

As you read, you will find out what neuropathic pain is, its causes, and how to know when you have neuropathic pain. You will also discover the best treatments for neuropathic pain and the role a chiropractor can play in making the pains disappear.

Read on.

What is Neuropathic Pain?

Neuropathic pain refers to pain that results from nerve injury, damage, or disease. Many people with nerve injury say they feel a stabbing, tingling, or burning pain that is mild or severe. What they are describing is neuropathic pain.

Most times, neuropathic pain is chronic, meaning that it can be persistent, staying around for weeks to years. Neuropathic pain can surface from the brain, the spinal cord, and the peripheral nerves. These three spots are different levels of the nervous system.

Neuropathic pain is all about nerves. So, let’s briefly see what they are all about.

What Are Nerves?

Nerves are a bundle of fibers that connect the body and the brain, sending and receiving messages from one to the other. The connection between the nerves in the body makes up the nervous system.

Notably, there are three types of nerves:

  • Sensory Nerves: These nerves are responsible for the functioning of our senses, such as smell, taste, feelings of pain, and sight.
  • Motor Nerves: Motor nerves are responsible for actions such as the movement of different parts of the body. These include activities like kicking a ball and swinging an arm.
  • Autonomic Nerves: Autonomic nerves take care of body functions such as digestion, bladder function, perspiration, heart rate, and blood pressure.

What Are the Causes of Neuropathic Pain?

Several factors can cause neuropathic pain. Therefore, if you feel you have neuropathic pain, it will be best to know the different ways the pain may have come about.


Diabetes is a primary cause of neuropathic pain. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that high blood sugar harms the nerves. Furthermore, diabetes weakens the capillaries, through which nutrients and oxygen pass to the nerves.


Neuropathy is one of the many fallouts of HIV/AIDS in the body. HIV/AIDS, a viral infection, causes spinal cord and brain inflammation. The virus damages the sensory nerves and ultimately diminishes the effectiveness of the central nervous system.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) results in chronic pain that outweighs the severity of the originating injury. CRPS usually affects the arm or leg and could develop after a stroke, heart attack, or surgery.

Central Nervous System Disorders 

Any condition that affects the structure and function of the brain is a central nervous system disorder. These disorders result from blood clots, congenital disabilities, cancer, etc. One of the ways the body shows the presence of central nervous system disorders is neuropathic pain.

Alcohol Abuse

Nerve tissues don’t interact well with excessive amounts of alcohol. Frequent alcohol use inhibits the proper functioning of the peripheral nerves, responsible for relaying signals between the body, brain, and spinal cord. As a result, alcoholics can experience pain in their limbs.


Also called Herpes Zoster, shingle is a viral infection that results in a red skin rash. Shingles clear up after a few weeks but pose a significant danger to the nerves. People with shingles could suffer from nerve damage and burning pain.

Other Causes of Neuropathic Pain

Several other situations may result in neuropathic pain. These include multiple sclerosis, myeloma, syphilis, spine surgery, thyroid problems, and chemotherapy.

What Are the Symptoms of Neuropathic Pain?

Detecting neuropathic pain is easy. You just have to check for the following symptoms:

  • Pain: The most telling indicator of neuropathy is the throbbing, sharp, or burning pain that it causes. Experiencing pain during activities that ordinarily shouldn’t result in discomfort is a sign of neuropathic pain.
  • Numbness, Pricking, or Tingling Sensation: You may begin to feel numbness, pricking, or tingling in your hands and feet. These symptoms may then extend to your arms and legs.

Other symptoms of neuropathic pain include:

  • Muscle weakness
  • A fall in blood pressure
  • Loss of stamina
  • Sensitivity to touch

It’s always best to seek medical attention as soon as you spot these symptoms of neuropathic pain. You will have a better chance of managing the symptoms and preventing further nerve damage if you act fast.

Diagnosis of Neuropathic Pain 

Diagnosing neuropathic pain begins with an interview with your medical professional. During the interview, your doctor will ask you to describe how you feel and the pains you experience.

Furthermore, your doctor will also ask you to describe your lifestyle to determine which activities trigger the pain. If your family has a history of neurological diseases, your doctor will also want to know about it.

A neurological examination is the second stage of neuropathic pain diagnosis. Here, your doctor looks at the condition of your muscles and tendons. They will also assess your posture and sensitivity to feel.

Finally, your doctor will order a test which could be any of the following:

  • Blood tests
  • Test for nerve functions
  • Imaging tests
  • Nerve and skin biopsy

How Do Chiropractors Treat This Type of Pain?

If you have been diagnosed with neuropathic pain, chiropractic treatment is one of the popular options before you. Many neuropathic pain patients are turning to alternative medicine for help. The option of natural and medication-free treatment is quite appealing.

The major objective of chiropractic treatment for neuropathy is the management of its symptoms and underlying causes. Chiropractors will manipulate the muscle tissues and bones to reduce pain and restore body functions. Manipulative procedures include spinal decompression, cold laser therapy, and therapeutic ultrasound. These manipulation techniques will also reduce the resultant inflammation, thereby improving your comfort.

Get the Best Chiropractic Treatment in Coral Springs, FL 

No one should have to endure the pain and discomfort of this type of pain. At Specific Care Chiropractors, we understand your need for respite and to return to the activities you love. That’s why we have provided the best equipment and a friendly atmosphere for your healing.

We tailor our treatment to the specific needs of our patients. That’s why you should request an appointment with our doctors now. Soon afterward, our chiropractors can begin working on getting your nerves in great shape. Your search for the “best injury center near me” is finally over.